Depth cues

					effectiveness	typical range
					-------------	-------------
	occlusion, overlap	   M	very strong	all distances
	perspective		   M	varied		all d
		size effects
		texture gradients
	aerial perspective	   M	weak		d > 1 km
	shadows, relief, shading   M	varied		all d
	color effects			weak		medium d

kinetic		(moving image)	   M	strong		all d

motion parallax	(moving viewer)	   M	strong		d < 1 km

accommodation	(physiological)	   M	medium (bright)	d < 1 m

convergence	(physiological)	   B	medium		d < 10 m
binocular disparity		   B	strong		d < 1 km
other disparities: glints, reveals B	weak		d < 100 m

"M" = monocular depth cues, i.e., works with one (or more) eyes.
"B" = binocular depth cues, i.e. requires two eyes.

Some cues are "physiological" - they result from physical changes in the eyes.
The remaining cues are "psychological" - they arise in the brain.	


Vision and Art - a wonderful exploration of pictorial depth cues with many examples from paintings

Synthetic 3D Imaging / Mark Lucente / copyright 1996