Synthetic 3D Imaging - Project #1

Due before class, Monday March 25

[1] Project 1 Description
Create a project description (one per team), including or built upon your proposal. Three or four pages should be enough (including illustrations). If you must put in more, then do. Include visuals to complement your presentation (via our big projected Web browser). This document should be (at least partially) in your Project 1 WWWeb page. (Hard-to-WWW graphics and illustrations can be handed in in hard-copy form.)

[2] Project 1 Presentation
Prepare a 5-10-minute presentation, including a demo (if applicable). (We can walk over to labs to facilitate demos, if necessary.) Concentrate on the issues raised below. The presentation should flow quickly, so have your visuals and/or demos ready. For teams of two or three, divide the presentation time among team members (e.g., one does the first half, one does the second).

Remember, the audience will retain at most 3 key points. Decide on these points and emphasize them.
Elements that many teams will include: introduction, what we did, how we did it, how it works, what we demonstrated, what we learned, what to do next time.
If you don't know or understand something, then don't dwell on it.
If you get stage fright, remember that you are among friends and are not graded or judged on how nervous or cool you are. (Exercises to combat stage fright may precede the presentations.)
It's better to prepare mentally more than verbally. Think it through. Pretend a techie friend stopped you during lunch and said "tell me about your project" and you just happen to have a nice visual or two and a demo. What would you say?
One more thing: brevity, brevity, brevity.

Things to do before class, Monday March 18

By this time, each of you ought to have a plan for your first project. This project represents two weeks of work. It can be done in groups of two or three. Individual projects are OK, but will be less fun. See the list of potential projects to get ideas. Buy, borrow, and secure necessary equipment, tools, and computer support now before it's too late.

Project 1 Proposals: You must make significant progress before Monday, March 18. To demonstrate your progress, each "team" (be it one, two, or three students) shall prepare a project description. Each team should create a "Project 1" WWWeb page - before the March 18 class meeting - containing the team's proposal. (If you feel that drawings and diagrams necessitate hardcopy, then hand this in to me at the March 18 class.) Each of you, make a link from your personal page to your team's project page. (This way you don't have to make duplicate pages for a single team.)

The project 1 proposal should include the following:

Do as much of your project as you can. This way you will have the final week (before March 25) to prepare a nice 5-10-minute presentation, including a demo (if applicable).

Things to keep in mind:

Synthetic 3D Imaging / Mark Lucente / copyright 1996