Synthetic 3D Imaging - Project #2

Due before May 6.
Must be presented on or before May 6.

[1] Project 2 Description
Create a project description (one per team), including or built upon your proposal. Four pages (if on paper) should be enough (including illustrations). If you want to put in more, then do. Include visuals to complement your presentation (via our big projected Web browser). This document should be (at least partially) in your Project 1 WWWeb page. (Hard-to-WWW graphics and illustrations can be handed in in hard-copy form.)

[2] Project 2 Presentation
Prepare a 5-10-minute presentation, including a demo (if applicable). (We can walk over to labs to facilitate demos, if necessary.) Concentrate on the issues raised below. The presentation should flow quickly, so have your visuals and/or demos ready.

See Project #1 for hints on preparing your presentation.

Project 2 Proposal

You (and your Project 2 team) must compose a Project 2 proposal. As for the first project, the proposal should contain the following:

Post your proposal on the WWWeb (only one per team is required), and make a link from your own page. Buy, borrow, and secure necessary materials, equipment, tools, and facilities. See the projects list for ideas, but feel free to dream up your own ideas and check them with me. This can be any project related to 3D display and preception, including volumetric displays and holography. The projects will be done in groups of two or three (or one if you REALLY want to), and will be completed by April 29. Presentations on May 6.

I am happy to discuss all issues. Don't be shy.

Synthetic 3D Imaging / Mark Lucente / copyright 1996